Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Cleaners find elderly woman dead in ransacked home

Woman Dead at Wheatherstone

L.E. Baskow

Metro Police investigate the death of a woman found in a ransacked townhouse on Dawnflower Street, near Mojave Road, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Updated Wednesday, July 20, 2016 | 6:30 p.m.

A cleaning crew found an elderly woman dead Wednesday morning in a ransacked townhouse in the east valley, according to Metro Police.

The cleaning company called police about 10 a.m. to report the incident in a gated community on Dawnflower Street, near Mojave Road, Metro Lt. Dan McGrath said.

Also according to McGrath:

The woman, about 70 years old, and who lived alone, was found dead on her bed, Metro Lt. Dan McGrath said. There weren't immediate indications that the suspect or suspects forced their way into the house.

There were obvious signs the woman was slain, but not how, McGrath told reporters about 2 p.m. Detectives were tediously combing through the burglarized residence, as drawers had been removed and items were flipped upside down.

She was last seen alive Tuesday afternoon when she went to the store, McGrath said. No suspects have been identified, he said.

Investigators would "stop at no end to find out what happened to this woman," McGrath said, adding that the case would be a priority and that Metro's leadership would be briefed on its developments.

Detectives were expected to remain at the house at least into the evening and maybe Thursday, McGrath said. They will also be reviewing surveillance video from the complex, which only has one entrance and exit, and nearby buildings, while talking to neighbors and increasing patrols in the area.

"Anytime anybody — especially an elderly person — is killed in their own house, this is a major concern," McGrath said.

McGrath found himself explaining to drivers entering and exiting the complex what happened. He passed out contact information cards and asked if they'd seen anything suspicious.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Metro at 702-828-3521 or via email at [email protected]. To remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 702-385-5555 or online at

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