Las Vegas Sun

July 3, 2024

SeaWorld says Tilikum, the orca that killed trainer, is ill

Sea World Killer Whale

Phelan M. Ebenhack / AP

Killer whale Tilikum, right, watches as SeaWorld Orlando trainers take a break during a training session at the theme park’s Shamu Stadium in Orlando, Fla., Monday, March 7, 2011.

ORLANDO, Fla.— SeaWorld officials say the killer whale responsible for the death of a trainer is very sick.

In a post on the park's blog Tuesday, officials say Tilikum appears to have a bacterial infection in his lungs. They say the infection has been resistant to treatment thus far, so veterinarians are just trying to manage it and make sure he is comfortable.

Tilikum has been at SeaWorld for 23 years.

The orca was blamed for the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau in 2010.

The documentary "Blackfish" chronicled Tilikum's life and fueled criticism of SeaWorld by animal rights' activists.

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