Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

Recipe: Croissant French toast

Croissant French toast

Courtesy of J. Rick Martin

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and breakfast in bed is a traditional way to show appreciation for everything a mother does for her family. Croissant French toast is an elevated version of a morning classic that’s simple enough for any dad or supervised child to make.

Ingredients (for 4 croissants)

• 4 croissants

• 2 cups whole milk

• 1 cup heavy whipping cream

• 4 whole eggs

• 2 oz Baileys Irish Cream

• 1/2 cup granulated sugar

• 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

• 4 oz sweet butter, melted

Serve with

• whipped cream

• fresh berries

• maple syrup


1. Mix all ingredients in mixing bowl except for the butter. Whisk in the eggs.

2. Preheat an 8-inch Teflon pan, leaving the stove flame on medium.

3. Cut each croissant in half lengthwise, as if you were to make a sandwich.

4. Using bread tongs, dip each half of croissant in the batter. Add about 1 tablespoon of butter to the preheated pan and immediately place the battered croissant on the pan.

5. Cook croissants one at a time for about 30 seconds on each side or until golden brown and crisp. Keep adding butter to the pan as you cook each croissant.

6. Layer the French toast croissants on a platter. Serve with whipped cream, fresh berries and warm maple syrup.

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