Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

Queen Elizabeth II: Chinese officials were ‘rude’

Queen Elizabeth

Image from Pool Video via AP Video

In image made from pool video, Queen Elizabeth II speaks with Metropolitan Police Commander Lucy D’Orsi in the garden of Buckingham Palace in London, Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Queen Elizabeth II has been overheard on video describing Chinese officials as “very rude to the ambassador” in a conversation with a senior police officer at a Buckingham Palace event celebrating her birthday. Subtitles as appears on source video.

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II has been overheard on video describing Chinese officials as "very rude to the ambassador" in a conversation with a senior police officer at a Buckingham Palace event celebrating her birthday.

The comments, which became public Wednesday, were unusual because the 90-year-old monarch has been careful to steer clear of politics during her long reign.

The Guardian newspaper said the discussion was recorded by the palace's official cameraman. On the video, the police officer is describing the Chinese state visit to Britain in October.

The officer tells the queen it had been a "testing time."

Elizabeth then says: "They were very rude to the ambassador."

British officials have so far declined to comment on the queen's remarks.

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