Las Vegas Sun

June 24, 2024

Moscow cemetery brawl leaves 2 dead, 10 wounded

MOSCOW — Moscow police say a brawl at a cemetery involving up to 200 people has left two people dead and 10 wounded.

Police spokeswoman Sofia Khotina told the Interfax news agency the two victims were hit by a car driven by someone trying to flee the scene of Saturday's brawl.

She said the three people in the car, who were armed with pistols, were among more than 50 people detained by police. She said they would be questioned to determine who was responsible for the deaths.

Russian news reports cited police as saying the brawl was believed to have been about control over providing burial services at the sprawling Khovanskoye cemetery in southwest Moscow.

Interfax said participants used shovels, shovel handles, steel bars and baseball bats and also fired non-lethal handguns.

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