Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

Champion Leicester ends stunning season with draw at Chelsea


Frank Augstein / Associated Press

Leicester’s Danny Drinkwater celebrates after scoring during the English Premier League soccer match between Chelsea and Leicester City at Stamford Bridge stadium in London on Sunday.

Leicester ended its remarkable title-winning season with a 1-1 draw against manager Claudio Ranieri's former club Chelsea on Sunday in the English Premier League.

Chelsea took the lead through Cesc Fabregas' penalty in the 60th minute, following a foul on Nemanja Matic by Jeffrey Schlupp.

Leicester's equalizer came in the 82nd minute with Danny Drinkwater's sublime finish into the bottom corner from outside the penalty box.

Leicester finished the season top with 81 points, 10 points above its closest rival Arsenal.

Following a disappointing season, Chelsea finished 10th.

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