Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024

Suspect killed by CHP officers in north Sacramento County

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Sacramento County sheriff's spokesman says a suspect is dead after he pointed a gun at police and was shot by two California Highway Patrol officers.

Sgt. Tony Turnbull says one officer saw the man walking with a gun in his hand Friday afternoon along a street near Interstate 80.

He says the suspect pointed the gun toward other officers as they arrived, ignoring their commands to drop the weapon.

Two CHP officers fired.

The suspect, a man in his 30s, was taken to a hospital but later died. His name was not immediately released.

No one else was injured.

CHP Officer Chad Hertzell referred calls to the sheriff's department, which is handling the investigation.

The officers are 20-year and 8-year CHP veterans.

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