Las Vegas Sun

June 28, 2024

Penn State newspaper slams Paterno honor

Penn State's student-run newspaper is objecting to the university's plans to honor the 50th anniversary of former head coach Joe Paterno's first game later this month.

The Daily Collegian's Friday editorial says Penn State "needs a reality check."

The editorial says undergraduates know Paterno only through the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal, court fights or alumni who "can't accept" that their time is past.

It also says Paterno is no longer a community hero, and that undergraduates are ready to move on. The university is declining comment.

Penn State's athletic department on Thursday announced plans to commemorate the anniversary on Sept. 17, when the football team hosts Temple. It sparked a backlash on social networks by people critical of Paterno's role in the Sandusky scandal.

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