Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024

The Latest: Trump sways to the beat of Saudi sword dance

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — The Latest on President Donald Trump's first trip abroad (all times local):

9:15 p.m.

President Donald Trump briefly joined Saudi King Salman in a traditional male-only sword dance before a state dinner in his honor.

Swaying side to side, the president stood shoulder to shoulder with Saudis for the traditional dance, which includes drumming and singing.

The dance took place outside the King Abdulaziz Historical Center where First Lady Melania Trump, his son-in law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka will join Trump to dine with the Saudi king and other senior Saudi royals.

The menu is to include an array of dishes, including steak and ketchup alongside the lamb and hefty portions of rice.

He was greeted by the Saudi king and a long red carpet upon arrival to the capital, Riyadh, Saturday morning for his first overseas visit in office.


7:50 p.m.

U.S Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says a centerpiece of President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia is to curb any threats to the region posed by Iran.

Tillerson says a series of military and private sector deals agreed to by both sides sends a "strong message to our common enemies."

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia see Iran as a common enemy.

Trump has been greeted warmly in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, the opening leg of his first international trip, primarily due to Trump's tough talk on Iran.

Tillerson commented at a news briefing with Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir.

Al-Jubeir borrowed a Trump phrase when he said stronger U.S. ties will allow the region to "drain the swamps from which extremism and terrorism emanates."


7:35 p.m.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called upon Iran's president to end all support and financing of terrorist groups now that he has won re-election.

Speaking Saturday in Saudi Arabia, Tillerson said President Hassan Rouhani now has the opportunity to end Iran's role in supporting "destabilizing forces that exist in this region."

He also expressed his hope that Iran ends its ballistic missile testing and "restores the rights of Iranians to freedom of speech, to freedom of organization so Iranians can live the life they deserve."

He would not comment on his expectation for the outcome of Friday's election in Iran, only saying that "if Rouhani wanted to change Iran's relationship with the rest of the world those are the things he could do."

Tillerson was speaking at a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.


7:20 p.m.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says that he will likely speak to his Iranian counterpart "at the right time."

Speaking in Riyadh at a joint briefing with Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir Saturday, Tillerson said he has no plans to talk to Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

Tillerson and al-Jubeir criticized Iran for its support of foreign fighters in countries like Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and its nuclear ambitions.

Asked if he would call or meet with Zarif, Tillerson said, he would "not shut out anyone who wants to talk" or have a productive conversation.

He added, "in all likelihood, we will talk at the right time."


6:35 p.m.

President Donald Trump says the first day of his maiden international trip has been "tremendous."

Trump was largely kept away from reporters during a busy day of meetings and ceremonies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. But late in the day, he said deals the U.S. government and private sector reached would lead to "tremendous investments" in the United States.

He says the deals will also create "jobs, jobs, jobs."

Trump has agreed to a defense cooperation deal with the Saudis, pledging $110 billion effective immediately and up to $350 billion over 10 years. There are some private sector agreements, too.

The military package includes tanks, combat ships, missile defense systems, radar and communications, and cybersecurity technology.


5:12 p.m.

President Donald Trump and Saudi King Salman signed a series of agreements cementing their countries' military and economic partnerships.

The two leaders signed a joint vision agreement Saturday at the Saudi Royal Court and sealed it with a handshake.

The agreements also include a military sales deal of about $110 billion, effective immediately, plus another $350 billion over the next 10 years.

The two countries also announced a defense cooperation agreement and private sector agreements Saturday that are intended to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the U.S. defense industry.

Trump has been tending to official business on his first day overseas as president.

4:30 p.m.

President Donald Trump will attend a signing ceremony with Saudi Arabia's leadership to cement a number of defense and business agreements.

The White House says the agreements include military sales of about $100 billion, effective immediately, plus another $350 billion over the next 10 years.

The package of defense equipment and services are aimed to boost security in the Arab Gulf region in the face of Iranian aggression.

It is also meant to bolster the kingdom's ability to contribute to counterterrorism operations across the region, "reducing the burden on the U.S. military to conduct those operations."

The two countries will also sign a defense cooperation agreement and private sector agreements Saturday which are intended to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the U.S. defense industry.


2:24 p.m.

President Donald Trump is receiving the nation's highest civilian honor from Saudi King Salman.

The king placed the Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud around Trump's neck at a ceremony at the Royal Court in Riyadh.

The host of the event declared that Trump was being honored for "his quest to enhance security and stability in the region and around the world."

The honor has also been bestowed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama.

Trump was joined by first lady Melania Trump and several senior White House aides who were interspersed with Saudi officials throughout a grand ballroom.


1:53 p.m.

President Donald Trump is arriving for his official welcome to Saudi Arabia.

More than a dozen horses flanked the presidential limousine Saturday as Trump was slowly driven to the Royal Court in Riyadh.

Trumpets played and soldiers stood at attention as the president walked in. As he arrived, Trump told the king the spectacle was "very impressive."

Trump, who landed from Washington hours earlier, was slated to attend a welcoming ceremony and a lunch with Saudi King Salman.

The two men were then expected to have a bilateral meeting.

Trump was joined by first lady Melania Trump, his daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.


1:05 p.m.

President Donald Trump is tweeting for the first time while abroad on his first foreign trip.

Trump's account is delivering a diplomatic message. It says that it's "Great to be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia" and says Trump is "Looking forward to the afternoon and evening ahead."

The tweet was accompanied by several photos of the president's arrival in the Middle East.

It's his first stop on a busy, nine-day trip.


12:20 p.m.

Melania Trump's decision not to wear a headscarf upon arrival in the Middle East is drawing attention on social media.

The first lady wore a black pantsuit with a golden belt but did not cover her head, consistent with custom for female foreign dignitaries visiting Saudi Arabia.

President Donald Trump had criticized former first lady Michelle Obama for not wearing a head scarf during a January 2015 visit to the nation with then-President Barack Obama.

Trump said in a 2015 tweet that, while many people applauded Mrs. Obama's decision, the people of Saudi Arabia "were insulted."


11:04 a.m.

President Donald Trump is preparing for a busy day of meetings in Saudi Arabia.

The president, first lady Melania Trump and top White House aides touched down Saturday morning in Riyadh. It's the first stop of a nine-day, multi-country tour.

The president began his visit with a coffee ceremony with King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

He'll participate later in an arrival ceremony at the Saudi Royal Court and a luncheon banquet, followed by a bilateral meeting with the king, a signing ceremony and a meeting with the Deputy Crown Prince.

Saturday night, he'll attend a royal banquet at Murabba Palace followed by a tour of the National Museum.


10:25 a.m.

President Donald Trump and King Salman of Saudi Arabia met briefly for a coffee ceremony after the president's arrival Saturday in Riyadh.

Trump and Salman spoke through an interpreter inside the airport terminal after the president stepped off Air Force One.

Trump and his motorcade then made their way to his hotel for a few hours of downtime before beginning the day's meetings.

The nation offered Trump an elaborate welcome. Billboards featuring the image of Trump and the king dotted the highways of Riyadh and lights bathed Trump's luxury hotel in red, white and blue lights and, at times, an image of the president's face.

First Lady Melania Trump wore a black pantsuit with a golden belt and did not cover her head, consistent with custom for foreign dignitaries visiting Saudi Arabia


10:06 a.m.

President Donald Trump is stepping off Air Force One in Saudi Arabia to begin his first international trip since taking office.

Trump waved as he stood atop stairs that had been rolled to the side of the official presidential aircraft as it landed at Riyadh's airport. He was joined by First Lady Melania Trump.

Trump was greeted by King Salman of Saudi Arabia. They exchanged a handshake and Trump said it was "a great honor" to be there.

Several jets also flew overhead leaving a red, white and blue trail.

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told reporters on the plane that Trump spent the flight meeting with staff, working on his upcoming speech to the Muslim world and getting a little sleep.


9:43 a.m.

President Donald Trump is opening his first trip abroad since taking office, touching down in Saudi Arabia after an overnight flight from Washington.

Trump's visit is aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region. He's also hoping to move past the controversies engulfing his administration.

Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air Force One. He's the only American president to make Saudi Arabia, or any majority Muslim country, his first stop overseas as president. The scheduling choice is designed in part to show respect to the region after months of harsh anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric.

Trump will also travel to Israel, have an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican, and attend the NATO summit in Brussels and the Group of 7 meeting in Sicily.

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