Las Vegas Sun

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Smith's World for December 7, 2009

Mike Smith Cartoon

December 7, 2009

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  1. Snow in LA, Houston, Alabama and even Arizona and locally Pahrump last nite. Chicago spent most of the summer in the 60's and low 70's vs the 80's and 90's that are the norm....YUP, Global Warming is here <eyeroll>
    Why dontcha stick to subjects you know about... like Nascar

  2. Global Warming does not mean that there will not ever be cold weather or snow again in the Southern United States! If cold weather and snow is an indication that there is no Global Warming then under the same logic hot weather should prove Global Warming. If memory serves me correctly, I heard on the radio that the past decade was the warmest on historical record for the United States. Also, I believe this past September was the warmest on record for Las Vegas.

  3. Hottest July on record, too.

  4. NASCAR! The only events in America on a Sunday morning, that is more segregated than this nation's churches.

  5. Is the Earth an enclosed tank? I served on three different (classes) nuclear powered submarines (USS Gato SSN-615, USS Baton Rouge SSN-689, and USS Henry Clay SSBN-625) as an enlisted-officer. The longest amount of time I ever spent submerged, was 103 days. 56 days on surface-skimmers (targets). However, it blew my mind, that after being submerged for an initial few hours, with 100 other blokes (severe flatulence), and CO2 increased and oxygen depletion would occurr at a rather rapid rate. Headaches galore! I operated the CO2 scrubbers, COH2 burners and O2 generators. True those were nuke-boats, but we toted sewage (methane * brown trout), refrigerants, conventional and synthetic lubricants, other fossils, garbage, etc. Whassup wit dat!
    Your humble Lt. Commander
    "The best Marine, is a submarine"