Las Vegas Sun

June 13, 2024

Hoover Interview

Hoover Interview

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Friday, Sept. 25, 2009 | 8:30 p.m.

A report by a California-based consulting firm says valley home builders are bullish on the Las Vegas market. In Business talks with Southern Nevada Home Builders Association President Bill Hoover about the industry's outlook.

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  1. I commend you on producing a consistently fine broadcast. I particularly enjoyed this segment with Bill Hoover. This was an insightful thought provoking interview pulling no punches and telling it like it is. Mr. Hoover is right on the mark with his assesment and analysis of the greater Las Vegas real estate market. I would ask that you have him on again soon to delve deeper into new home building issues and his views on said issues. Thanks again for the fine work you and your staff do Mr. Gillan.

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