Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024


Our nation must keep improving

Being black in America is a crime — not legally, but societally.

This country was built on the backs of a people who were forced here and oppressed to the highest degree. This subjugation has led to a subconscious racism that lives deep, and sometimes very shallowly, in almost everyone.

Therefore, our policymakers are morally obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Local legislators must move to enact reforms of Metro Police — not because it is a troubled organization but because our Founding Fathers knew we could improve when they wrote the Constitution (“form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility”).

Our congressional members should be pushing to pass bills like the Police Training and Independent Review Act. Morality needs to supersede politics, it needs to win. Because if it doesn’t, then all men are not created equal, and are not endowed with certain unalienable rights.