September 7, 2024


Sheriff got in bed with conman

The Republican candidate for governor has demonstrated one of two things in securing his nomination. Either he is a poor judge of character or he himself is lacking in character.

Sheriff Joe Lombardo was “humbled” by the endorsement of former President Donald Trump. Someone with 30 years in law enforcement should understand that Trump is the most mendacious man in the history of American politics.

Lombardo should know Trump’s penchant for taking advantage of others. He should be cognizant of the reckless language the former president has indulged in during his attempts to overthrow an election that he knows he lost.

The sheriff must know that Trump’s leadership style has attracted thugs like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as well as scammers like Alex Jones and Roger Stone. He must be aware that Trump’s lies have led to death threats and harassment of election officials and poll workers. He must know that Trump incited a mob on Jan. 6, 2021, resulting in death, injury and trauma for many Capitol police.

More likely than not, Lombardo understands Trump’s malignantly narcissistic personality but doesn’t care, because Trump is popular with a certain bloc of voters. The endorsement was a matter of expedience for both. Lombardo gloated over it for the reason stated. Trump issued it because of his pathological need to win and recognized that Lombardo had a comfortable lead and was well funded.