September 21, 2024


Assigned seating is best for flights

My wife and I are fairly frequent flyers with Southwest Airlines, and are so glad that the airline is changing from open seating to assigned seating.

It was good in its day since not so many people flew 50 years ago, and people were much more polite when choosing a seat.

I am deaf, but with a cochlear implant (a type of hearing aid). However, it is of no use to me since I am unable to understand announcements made over the aircraft speakers.

Consequently, I have to be able to sit with my wife. This means I have to request pre-boarding, which I hesitate to do, but have no choice.

I have never been refused by Southwest, for which I am grateful, but I have seen some questioning looks from other pre-boarders because I do not look as if I qualify for going on board before them.

My wife and I hope the changes will make flying with Southwest even better than it is now.