September 22, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Cronies litter state boards

Nevadans endure daily impacts from decisions and policies rendered by over 200 state boards and commissions operating with little publicity and visibility. These unelected bodies exert tremendous influence. They report to the executive branch/governor.

Most board and commission appointments are made unilaterally by the governor without external, pre-appointment oversight. This power leads to political insiders, campaign contributors and other favored individuals receiving preferential consideration, often with few genuine qualifications.

Most other states have a legislative or citizens’ oversight committee reviewing nominee appropriateness and acceptability, but not Nevada.

Recently, Nevada’s lopsided appointment process came into sharp focus. The state Wildlife Commission now has all nine members who in favor of killing wildlife. Roughly 5% of Nevadans buy licenses to kill wildlife, yet all decisions rest with those intent on killing for recreation or profit. They glorify mass wildlife-killing contests, trophy bear hunts and the brutality of trapping, all for domination and money, while discounting science and sound management practices.

The same cronyism prevails year after year with legislatures too timid to advance reforms that would raise Nevada up to candidate oversight and evaluation processes elsewhere.

Since names of official bodies should represent what they do, Nevada might as well rename its Department of Wildlife as the Wildlife Killing Department and its Wildlife Commission as the Wildlife Killing Commission because the preponderance of their decisions adversely affects wildlife and its ability to survive harsh outdoor conditions.