Las Vegas Sun

May 16, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Biden’s failures at gun control

The letter “Stop pandering to the NRA” (Las Vegas Sun, Jan. 16) speculates how this country will go, related to gun control, if Donald Trump is reelected president. The letter, however, ignores the reality of the gun control failures of the Biden administration.

Gun Violence Archive published a report comparing Trump and Joe Biden’s first year in office.

Biden’s first year saw 5,000 more fatal shootings and twice the number of mass shooting incidents than Trump’s. Biden’s first year also saw an extra 300 children who suffered from incidents of gun violence, as well as an extra 2,000 suicides.

The group March for Our Lives was horrified by the increase in gun violence under President Biden and urged him to do more. And what has Biden done?

It’s easy to speculate about another Trump administration but the actual numbers that have come out of the Biden administration suggests that another four years of the same would be much more frightening than another four years of Trump.