September 8, 2024


‘Country First’ empty rhetoric for GOP

John McCain’s slogan during the presidential campaign was “Country First.” The deterioration of that theme began with the selection of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate and hasn’t stopped since.

The GOP (Grand Obstructionist Party) has a new theme and simple strategy. The theme is to make President Barack Obama look bad, and the simple strategy is to fight every idea, plan or vision that Obama and/or the Democrats propose.

The health care plan is a fitting example. Republicans have not supported a single idea proposed by Democrats. You would think not being able to deny coverage or not being able to drop a person’s coverage would have some merit. Nope! How about government coverage for those between 55 and 65? Nope! Surely breaking the antitrust statute that the insurance companies enjoy would gather support. Nope!

Must I go on?

Republicans fear Democrats will succeed. They have become obsessed with the fear of Democratic success.

“Country First” does not exist in their plans. It is all about making Obama and the Democrats look bad.

Why else do they allow their spokesmen — Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and others — to make incendiary remarks that they should disavow, rather than applaud?

My only hope is that voters in 2010 realize the GOP’s intentions and realize that it couldn’t care less about America.

If voters believe in “Country First,” they will reject the obstructionist policy and give Democrats a chance to truly put “Country First.”