September 6, 2024


Cheney and Bush are the real culprits

As a registered Democrat, I would like to thank the self-proclaimed Republican leader, Rush Limbaugh, and bygone Vice President Dick Cheney for trying to force a great American, Colin Powell, out of their party.

I believe all Democrats would welcome him with open arms.

It appears the Grand Old Party should be given a new moniker: Good-guys Out Party.

The Limbaugh-Cheney rants and rhetoric are so stupid and incoherent they should be given a test to prove they are of sound mind before being allowed to spread their hate through the media.

I was initially against inquiries about wrongdoings of the past administration so the new administration and both parties could work together to help solve America’s problems and end the wars. But the constant nonfactual rhetoric of Cheney and Limbaugh has given me reason to change my mind.

It now appears that the shameful handling and torture of prisoners came from Cheney and was approved by President George W. Bush.

The soldiers convicted in this matter should be set free to make room for the actual perpetrators. Any person who has served in the military can fully understand that when given an order you must obey or suffer the consequences. Why did we imprison soldiers for following orders?