September 9, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Republicans are the real liars on health care

It looks like some version of Democratic health care reform will be passed — despite the blitz of lies put out by Republicans to scare and anger the American people and defeat this legislation they call Obamacare.

The false claims Republicans have made about the Democratic legislation:

Lie No. 1: The Democratic bill would set up death panels, which could decide who would live or die, and be able to pull the plug on Grandma.

Lie No. 2: It would provide health insurance to illegal immigrants.

Lie No. 3: It would pay for abortions.

Lie No. 4: There would have to be serious cuts in Medicare to pay for this reform bill.

Lie No. 5: It would impose on all Americans a health care system like the one in Canada.

Lie No. 6: (The lollapalooza of all Republican lies) The United States has the best health care system in the world. Members of the GOP say this even though, as you know, we pay up to twice as much as other advanced countries for medical care, 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance, and our infant mortality and life expectancy rates are lower than those of almost every other industrialized nation.

I think the problem was that many people turned to the Republicans to tell them what was in the Democratic bill, and the Republicans lied to them.

Let’s face it, the Republicans controlled Congress from 1994 until 2006, and the White House for eight years starting with George W. Bush’s election in 2000, and never made a serious attempt to improve our health care system. And when questioned about improvements, they repeated lie No. 6 above. After this performance, how can you believe any Republican statement?