Las Vegas Sun

July 3, 2024


If you’re not union, you don’t matter to Democrats

This question goes out to voters who don’t belong to unions but vote for Democrats: How much longer will you vote for politicians who raise your taxes and fees to give raises to their union masters?

President Barack Obama talks a good game about being for the working families, but it is all rhetoric. If you aren’t a union member, then you are on your own.

Ask yourself why the majority of the $800-plus billion “stimulus” (that has only gone to stimulate bigger government) has gone to protect union jobs, firemen, teachers and policemen. Why is it they are for the most part unaffected by the recession?

One last thing: Democrats blame Republicans for voting against the unemployment extension. Republicans have asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to use the unspent portion of the stimulus bill to pay for the extension. Reid said no. Seems he would rather add it to the already obscene $13.8 trillion dollar debt, so our children and grandchildren can pay for it later.

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