September 6, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Obama and the spirit of democracy

In his recent column “Convener in chief,” David Brooks correctly describes President Barack Obama’s “style.” As a constitutionalist, he runs the country as it should be run, as a democracy where Congress approves bills and the president signs them into law. After George W. Bush-Dick Cheney, we didn’t even recognize ourselves as a democracy anymore.

I appreciate the fact that our president has allowed the majority of the people to decide what is best for us. When bullies are allowed to run the show, as the GOP has proved, we see the poverty that has ripped through this country by the hands of the people who gave a blank check to pay for wars that filled the coffers of Halliburton, Cheney’s good ol’ boys.

I don’t want a president like that who has an agenda. I want the president we have who allows us, good or bad, to do the business of democracy, where the majority rules and everyone has a voice, not just the “moral” majority. (Those who want to legislate their views for us.)

President Obama saved us from ruin when he entered the shambles Bush-Cheney left in their wake. His stimulus worked, and he has kept his word on drawing down troops in his 2 1/2 years in office.

People shouldn’t be fooled by the lies that he isn’t doing a good job. He runs the country like the democracy the Constitution sets forth, something we have needed for a very long time.