Las Vegas Sun

June 28, 2024

letters to the editor:

U.S. played key role in Israel’s success

On Nov. 8, Alex Brill (“Strong Israel still needs help,” Las Vegas Sun) presented a compelling argument that Israel’s strong economic performance over the past decades reflects the country’s work ethic, entrepreneurship, social network, excellent educational system and low tax burden. Nowhere does he mention the foreign aid this country has given to Israel since its inception in 1948.

In nominal terms, this aid exceeds $120 billion. After adjusting for inflation, it amounts to more than $229 billion, or more than $28,000 for each of Israel’s 8 million people.

To give some perspective, suppose the reverse were true, that Israel had given aid to America in the same per capita ratio. By the end of 2015 we would have received nearly $5 trillion in nominal dollars and more than $9 trillion after adjusting for inflation.

There can be no doubt that Israel put this aid to work wisely, but to attribute the country’s economic success over the years only to the “powerful influence of a market-based, democratic economy” without recognition of the enormous help provided by the American people misses the mark.

Even beyond our cultural ties, it is clearly in our interest that Israel remain our strongest strategic partner in the Middle East, and our aid helps ensure that.

Those innate qualities that Brill presents as reasons for Israel’s success did not spontaneously sprout from the arid Negev or Judean deserts; they grew from hard work and outside aid, not the least of which came from America.

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