Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024

letters to the editor:

Clean energy is worth supporting

I thought only NV Energy didn’t like solar roofs, but the column by David Kreutzer of the Heritage Foundation piled on (“Solar energy has adverse effects on environment, people who need it most,” Las Vegas Sun, Dec. 15).

He objects to the government promoting solar energy, but haven’t the oil/gas companies received subsidies and tax breaks from the government too?

He also says drilling technology (fracking) is the greatest innovation in the past 50 years and “we have broken the back of OPEC.” Has he checked to see how many oil companies are close to going out of business because of OPEC’s pricing? Whose back has been broken? And what about climate change? Does Kreutzer know all that new drilling contributes negatively to climate change and that solar does not?

Then he says Germany is cutting back on its support for solar. A June 20, 2014, article in Liberty Voice states that 50 percent of Germany’s power comes from solar. Now it is likely more. It has been reported that only 0.61 percent of our electricity comes from solar; we really need to get cranking.

The Nevada Public Utilities Commission should support clean energy.

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