Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

letters to the editor:

Financial lessons would benefit children

We can’t dispute that America’s rising costs, the average American’s debt rate, as well as our stagnant wages take a toll on everyone’s present and future well-being. America’s political leaders are always talking about Social Security reform, national credit-card debt and our nation’s lack of future planning. But banking, Social Security and 401k savings are not discussed or taught in our education curriculum.

Our children are taught many things in school that they may or may not use in their futures; why not teach something they will use in everyday life? If we teach our children at a young age the importance of better banking, how to handle everyday expenses and about saving for their futures, we will provide them with vital tools to encourage healthier lifestyles. Our future generations could benefit tremendously from such knowledge, which will help them thrive throughout adulthood.

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