September 28, 2024

Conservative views limit discussion

In response to the letter “Diversity of opinions needed” (Las Vegas Sun, Jan. 24):

Interesting opinion because I felt the Sun was printing too many conservative op-eds, broadcasting the same old weary conservative talking points that manipulate the facts to meet the agenda of the day.

I questioned why someone would write a letter to the Sun, a somewhat liberal newspaper, complaining about the number of conservative op-eds instead of reading the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The R-J sounds like a perfect match. It is the conservative newspaper that envelops the Sun every day; it is not diverse in its opinions.

Do people really believe Las Vegas should have one voice, one opinion, one side? Is that how conservatives perceive free speech?

Conservatives always have expectations of others and rarely hold themselves to the same standards. They are great with sound bites but not at discussing opposing views. Their style of governing is to mandate their position as what others should do or say instead of seeking what is in the best interest of all people. They are very good at pointing fingers and reading their prepared speeches that can be heard verbatim across the country. To a conservative politician, “all people” means wealthy, influential and powerful people who donate lots of money to their cause at election time.