September 20, 2024

letters to the editor:

Loss of privacy isn’t just old sci-fi fantasy

“FAA must safeguard public against possible high-tech spying by drones” (Las Vegas Sun, June 1) was a most revealing column about high-tech spying drones that can see through solid barriers such as walls, fences and trees (no more watching TV while sitting on my sofa in my underwear).

In 1964, there was an episode from the old “Outer Limits” program called “O.B.I.T.” This was a spy machine that could see and listen to what others were doing in the privacy of their own homes. At the time this seemed like wild sci-fi.

Another old television program telecast in England in 1968 titled “The Prisoner” was 40 years ahead of its time. This political prisoner was kept on an island in a global village and was under constant surveillance with cameras in his living room and in the trees that watched him wherever he went.

Beware of those cute little hummingbirds on your patio feeder. They could be drones with cameras (see Time magazine, Nov. 25, 2011).

No, this is not a comedy skit from Saturday Night Live, it is the real world up close and in our faces.