Las Vegas Sun

June 25, 2024

letters to the editor:

McCarthy’s lunacy lives on in Tea Party

In the ’50s, Sen. Joe McCarthy attacked the State Department, President Harry Truman as well as the Army, making broad comments about communist infiltration into the government. McCarthyism re-emerged a few years ago when Reps. Michele Bachmann and Allen West claimed we had communists in Congress and an investigation should be initiated. We also had countless McCarthy-type hearings over the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars with the same bipartisan decision: There was no cover-up.

Is this type of stupidity a requirement for this new breed of ultra neo-conservatism? These conspiracies have gotten so out of hand that the governor of Texas and elected officials bought into the latest conspiracy of President Barack Obama using a military exercise to proclaim martial law, continue his presidency beyond two terms and imprison American citizens by arming immigrants crossing the Texas border.

When does this blatant, ignorant, paranoid hysteria end? Special Counsel for the Army Joseph Welch asked Joe McCarthy at the end of a heated exchange, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” When will we have a Republican, Tea Partier or anyone on the right ask that question?

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