September 21, 2024

letters to the editor:

Leaders need to act to curb spiraling prescription drug costs

I can’t say I was surprised that another prescription drug company posted a profit that shattered Wall Street’s expectations. Prices for prescription drugs just keep going up while families try to figure out how to make ends meet. Congress is starting to investigate this health care crisis, including holding a hearing, but more has to be done.

Taxpayers are helping pharmaceutical companies develop new treatments through grants, so why don’t we get a better deal? Pretty soon, people won’t even be able to afford the medications that keep them healthy.

As someone who works in the health care industry here in Nevada, I see firsthand how such drastic increases for life-saving drugs negatively affect many seniors and low-income families. I find it inexcusable that people in this country are not able to afford the medications they need while pharmaceutical executives continually increase their profit margins and are never held accountable.

Our next president needs to show effective leadership on this issue because Nevadans cannot continue to afford to be driven deeper and deeper into financial insolvency.