Las Vegas Sun

June 16, 2024

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Think you know your Fourth of July facts?

When we celebrate the Fourth of July with a three-day weekend vacation, picnics and fireworks, we sometimes forget the real meaning of the holiday. The quiz below provides an opportunity for you to test and refresh your civic knowledge of the landmark occasion in American history that we celebrate.

The Fourth of July commemorates what important historic occasion?

A. The end of the Revolutionary War

B. The signing of the Declaration of Independence

C. Adoption of the Declaration of Independence by Congress

D. The signing of the Constitution

In which city was the Declaration of Independence signed?

A. Boston

B. New York

C. Philadelphia

D. Washington

Which of the following people did not sign the Declaration of Independence?

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. John Adams

C. William Whipple

D. George Washington

Which of the following was included in the Declaration as a complaint against King George and the British Parliament?

A. Allowed only British tea to be sold in America

B. Imposed taxes without consent

C. Appointed liberal non-originalist judges

D. Gave charters to Church of England only, not other religious bodies

Which memorable phrase is not included in the Declaration of Independence?

A. Give me liberty or give me death

B. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

C. The laws of nature and of nature’s God

D. Supreme Judge of the world

The original Declaration of Independence is housed in:

A. Independence Hall in Philadelphia

B. Library of Congress

C. Smithsonian Institution

D. National Archives

How many delegates from the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence?

A. 13

B. 26

C. 39

D. 56

Which two presidents died on the Fourth of July?

A. George Washington and John Adams

B. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

C. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

D. Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt

Which president was born on the Fourth of July?

A. Calvin Coolidge

B. Howard Taft

C. Dwight Eisenhower

D. Richard Nixon

According the Declaration of Independence, the people have the following right:

A. The right to bear arms

B. The right to equal protection of the laws

C. The right to alter or abolish their government

D. The right to a free education


1-C, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A, 6-D, 7-D, 8-B, 9-A, 10-C

David Davenport, former president of Pepperdine University, is a visiting fellow at the Ashbrook Center. Gordon Lloyd is a senior fellow at Ashbrook and a professor at Pepperdine. They wrote this for

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