September 20, 2024

letters to the editor:

Secure energy future is key to Nevada's tourism success

Arguments on global warming aside, I think we need to look at this from another perspective. I see our major industry, tourism, and energy inextricably linked. Energy is what allows people to get here and what allows them to do things here. Whatever happens to the cost or flow of oil therefore affects our state financially.

We can see links between foreign sources of energy and national security. That was evident in Las Vegas post-9/11. Huge losses followed at our resorts.

If Nevada is a leader in tourism, we need to lead in everything that affects tourism. We need to make sure people get here. So, instead of taking an enormous financial risk by being passive, we need to be in the driver’s seat.

As an advocate of smart growth, I believe energy efficiency and clean-energy development are linked to job growth, innovation, a healthy and productive environment and smart planning. Philadelphia saves $3 million a year in being energy efficient. Let’s make sure Nevada as a whole takes the right business approach before we lose out. With incentives and an enabling environment for scientists/engineers, we can go further and faster than any other state and become the “Manhattan Project” of the country on developing and exporting cost-effective, clean sources of energy.