September 27, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Parties must work together

As a member of the Democratic Party, I admit we have taken some blows during the past two election cycles. However, this should serve as motivation for us to continue our fight for economic fairness, the rights of women and minorities, environmental health, corporate responsibility and other important goals. Too much is at stake.

Democrats and progressives can feel vindicated because Hillary Clinton will most likely win the presidential popular vote by a healthy margin. Nevada went “blue” this time around. We elected a Latina Democratic woman to the U.S. Senate. Three out of four of the races for the U.S. House of Representatives were won by Democrats. And the Democrats won majorities in the state Senate and Assembly, and county and city governments.

Yes, we are a diverse nation. But in order to improve the lives of more Americans and make our world better for all, Democrats and Republicans must stop hating each other. We can come together to integrate sound ideas from both parties so that government will actually work again.

Our nation cannot function or prosper if there is no cooperation among its people. Regardless of party affiliation, we are all Americans. Let’s overcome the bitterness and work toward a common purpose.