September 24, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Let’s hope Nevada was wrong

While the final 2016 electoral map leading to Donald Trump’s victory is historic, other facts are not so extraordinary. A white male won the presidency. The electoral vote margin was not overwhelming, and despite winning the Electoral College vote, Trump reportedly lost the popular vote tally. That, too, has happened in past elections.

Arguably, the most historic aspect of the 2016 election was that there has never been a more overtly vulgar presidential candidate than Trump. A candidate who was deemed repugnant by so many members of his own party. A candidate who, on national television during the primary, publicly ridiculed the face of one of his opponents. A candidate who publicly mocked a disabled person. A candidate who used the F-word at one of his rallies. A candidate who, in reference to a protester, stated publicly that he would like to “punch him in the face.” A candidate who shared his testosterone level on “The Dr. Oz Show” and who, in further reference to his manhood, assured us during a primary debate that “there is nothing wrong down there, folks.”

There are numerous other examples, but writing space is limited.

While Trump beat the overall odds that he would win the presidency, he was not Nevada’s choice. Perhaps that is because Nevadans assessed the odds that Trump could ever become as dignified a president as he was vulgar as a candidate.

That could be a long shot, but regardless of who you voted for, all Americans should sincerely hope Trump beats those odds and manages to set an example of dignity for our country and, particularly, for our young people.