September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

President can’t also be CEO

Let me get this straight. In January, Donald Trump becomes the president and is still the de facto CEO of the Trump family business, a business with holdings worldwide. When he negotiates a trade deal with a country his business has holdings in or wants to move into, who does the negotiating? Is it the president of the United States or the CEO of his family business? There couldn’t possibly be a conflict of interest there.

His children, who were part of his campaign and are now part of his transition team, will “independently” run his business. They wouldn’t try to exploit the president’s office for financial gain, except Ivanka already did with the bracelet she sells. Apparently there was no conflict there.

What happened to the wall that was supposed to be erected between the president and his finances? When everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the election, there were calls for the Clinton family to completely separate itself from the Clinton Foundation. Where is that call for the Trump family to do the same? Apparently one man’s “pay for play” is another man’s “blind trust.” I guess this is Trump’s definition of “draining the swamp.” Bernie Madoff would be envious of that opportunity.