Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024

letters to the editor:

Last presidential debate needs better moderator than Fox News’ Wallace

I agree with your editorial Sunday (“Here are some tougher questions Lauer should have asked Trump,” Las Vegas Sun, Sept. 11).

However, I am concerned that the last debate will be right before the election. It is to be moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who has publicly stated that it is not up to the media to challenge candidates on the truthfulness of their comments.

We need someone there strong enough to make sure the right questions are asked and hold the candidates to answering the question, not changing subjects. Wallace does not have that ability.

I suggest MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid or Rachel Maddow, or another strong woman/minority. Right now it is all white males.

Help change that. I know Donald Trump is against having any strong woman/minority, but don’t let him call the shots.

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