Las Vegas Sun

June 22, 2024

Letters to the Editor:

EPA must be protected

The Trump administration is taking a sledgehammer to the EPA budget with the intent of crippling the agency’s protection of our water and air.

Must we remind Scott Pruitt that EPA stands for Environmental PROTECTION Agency?

The administration is beholden to the fossil fuel industry, and protecting public health is unimportant to them. Corporations will not police themselves, as they are only interested in profits.

Human health will be the casualty of this policy, with illnesses such as asthma, cancer and heart disease increasing.

Do we all want to suffer as the citizens of Flint, Mich., have? It was tragic to read that coal sludge can now legally be dumped in streams.

Job growth is not in coal, but in renewable energy. Better to spend money retraining coal industry workers for the future and assisting them now.

Remember, readers, your voice is your weapon.

Call or write your representatives as often as possible and don’t re-elect those who choose to pollute our most important resources.

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