Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024

Letters to the Editor:

Scott Pruitt not right choice for the EPA

Donald Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to be the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, which was established to help us protect the public’s health, conserve our public lands, and fight for our clean air and water. We the people expect the next head of the EPA to do just that, and we do not believe that someone with such a long history of opposing the EPA and denying that climate change is real would effectively continue to move forward with EPA’s mission — especially not when Pruitt has accepted large donations from the fossil fuel industry throughout the course of his political career. His deep ties to the fossil fuel industry create a conflict of interest we cannot ignore.

We need someone who will champion clean energy and move toward creating green jobs, conserving our public lands and keeping our environment healthy. That is not Pruitt. Climate change is real, and we need to take action to increase our renewable resources and decrease our dependence on traditional, harmful energy sources that pollute our Earth.

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