Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Protecting Earth is paramount

Reading about evangelicals who support President Donald Trump “because of what he’s done for them,” the only thing I can see that he’s done is to nominate an anti-abortion Supreme Court justice.

Do evangelicals think all abortions and contraceptives should be outlawed? In the Bible, we are told to be stewards of the earth. Otherwise, the new symbol of our country should be the locust, not the eagle. Locusts consume everything in their path in their quest to reproduce, and they leave destruction behind them.

Even the ocean is being destroyed at an alarming rate by pollution. More of Earth’s creatures are going extinct, not from natural processes, but because of humans.

Our world population is doubling at an increasing rate, but we now have reliable contraceptives and safer abortions. We should be promoting sensible ideas as good stewards of earth. We have wonderful brains and should use them to this end.