Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Nevada representatives vote along party lines on Trump impeachment

Donald Trump

Alex Brandon / AP

The article of impeachment against President Donald Trump on a table before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., signs it in an engrossment ceremony before transmission to the Senate for trial on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021.

Three of Nevada's four congressional representatives — Democrats Steven Horsford, Dina Titus and Susie Lee— voted to impeach President Donald Trump today.

Trump was charged with “incitement of an insurrection” after a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol last week.

The president was impeached today on a vote of 232-197, with 10 Republicans voting against the president.

Rep. Mark Amodei, Nevada’s sole congressional Republican, voted agaisnt impeachment.

Horsford, whose district represents parts of North Las Vegas and the state’s rural area, spoke on the House floor in favor of impeachment.

“Last Wednesday’s events were not just a breach of a building but a breach of our democracy — a threat to our republic and to who we are as Americans,” Horsford said.

“Donald Trump incited insurrection against America and attempted to overturn the will of the people,” he said. “We must send a clear message that committing sedition disqualifies a president from serving another day in office.”

Titus, whose district makes up much of Las Vegas and the Strip, called impeachment a “constitutional imperative.”

“Donald Trump is obviously a clear and present danger to the republic,” Titus said. “He encouraged terrorists to attack the Congress, so impeachment is something that’s imperative.”

Titus said she was disappointed but not surprised that Vice President Mike Pence did not attempt to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump.

Pence could declare Trump unfit to execute the duties of his office with the support of a majority of the president’s cabinet.

House Democrats passed a resolution Tuesday asking Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Failing to impeach Trump could set a dangerous precedent, Titus said.

“It encourages other groups, and it encourages international terrorism if they can look over here and say, ‘Hey, that was sure easy maybe we should do it too,” Titus said.

Amodei, whose district makes up much of Northern Nevada, voted against impeachment today.

In a statement released afterward, he said the insurrectionists were planning the event before Trump’s rally in Washington on Wednesday.

The “culture of vengeance,” will not unify the country, he said.

“Last Wednesday was aw awful a day as there is,” Amodei said. “Yes, the Capitol is sacred ground, yes, there is blame and responsibility for the president, and yes, we need to know who the perpetrators are and where their actions began.”

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office has indicated the impeachment trial will not begin until Tuesday at the earliest, the day before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

McConnell has not signaled how he plans to vote on the measure.

Nevada’s two Democratic senators, Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen, have been quiet about how they may vote, though they backed Trump’s impeachment in 2019.