Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Kucinich decries GE-media conspiracy

At 5:25 p.m., shortly after the Nevada Supreme Court refused to give Dennis Kucinich a seat at the debate, a small band of his supporters marched to a far corner of a parking lot outside the Cashman Center, where supporters of the three major candidates had gathered.

Spectators soon realized that Kucinich was among them. He said:

"The fact of the matter is, NBC is owned by General Electric. General Electric makes power plants. General Electric wants to make sure there is a place to dump the waste."

He was talking about nuclear waste and the now shuttered Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump site northwest of Las Vegas. Kucinich has joined the state of Nevada in opposing the dump. Thus, he said, GE is trying to keep him off the air.

"Now the media has become an issue in this campaign by trying to determine who should be in this debate," he said.

The Cleveland congressman said he will fight for changes to Federal Communications Commission law to ensure that future candidates can participate in debates. "This underlying corruption is something that undermines our democracy. I'm asking you to continue our efforts to stand up and speak."

Kucinich has been allowed to participate in all but one of the Democratic debates. He was barred from the Las Vegas debate by NBC after poor showings in the Iowa and New Hampshire contests.

See the state's reasoning for holding Kucinich out.

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