Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Reid to push for smaller stimulus package

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said this morning he will press forward with a smaller economic stimulus package that includes extended unemployment benefits as well as help for the auto makers when the Senate resumes early next week.

Reid, in a letter to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said he will first seek support for a broad program of jobs creation, funding for states and other aid for unemployed workers.

But knowing Republicans have signaled they would oppose a big spending package, Reid suggested he would then pivot to the two provisions most likely to win the Republican support.

Yet even that vote appears dicey. Republicans in both the House and Senate have strongly opposed a bailout for Detroit. Reid needs their support in the Senate to cross a 60-vote threshold to consider legislation.

“I plan to press forward with two provisions of that package – an extension of unemployment benefits, which passed the House by a bipartisan vote of 368-28 and legislation to protect the millions of workers at risk from the possible collapse of our domestic auto industry,” Reid wrote.

“These two provisions both address especially urgent needs and seem most likely to win your support and the support of your caucus. I would hope you would procedurally allow the necessary votes early next week.”

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