Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Sen. Steven Horsford parked in handicap spot for hours

State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has been caught by a Las Vegas TV station parking his car in a handicap loading zone for five to six hours.

On a recent Saturday, a watcher of KTNV Channel 13 spotted an SUV with the license plate "State Senator 17" at Aviary Park in North Las Vegas. Horsford's SUV had no disability plates or placards. Horsford wouldn't go on camera, but released a written statement to the TV station.

"I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused in inadvertently parking in an unauthorized parking space," he said, according to Action News reporter Darcy Spears. "I deeply respect the rights of Nevada's disabled citizens and have worked in my own career to further those rights. I can assure the citizens of Nevada that such a situation will not arise again."

Heidi Campbell, the watcher who spotted Horsford's car, has a 14-year-old daughter in a wheelchair. She said the parking lot at the park was full that day, according to the KTNV report.

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