Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Group claiming voter fraud benefited from Angle contribution

A non-profit group run by Sharron Angle donated almost $100,000 to a group now claiming that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to steal the U.S. Senate election.

In 2008, Angle's We the People Nevada PAC contributed $92,000 to the Nevada Action Coalition. The Coalition emerged this month as a player in alleging ballot hijinks by Democrats.

Coalition members recently advertised a "voter fraud" meeting and accused Reid of wanting to rig the race.

"Want to make sure Harry and his buddies don't steal this election?" an Oct. 9 web post read. "Then come to the training next Tuesday. We need lots of watchers, cause you know the dark side has secret plans for this election."

Last week, the group posted a second warning to members:

"I recieved (sic) a call...about a 'funny' voter machine at Tropicana & Hualapi. Seems when she voted for a Republican candidate the machine 'helped' by changing her vote to a Democrat candidate.

Moral of this Story...Report ANY voter irregularity to the Poll Watcher Hot Line. We need to report all suspicious activity as you know Harry's men are out to steal this election."

Angle and the Republicans have raised questions this week about the validity of votes. Angle's lawyer accused Reid of trying to steal the vote by offering free food at early voting events.

The Reid campaign in turn accused Angle operatives of flooding polling places to intimidate voters, handing out literature to suppress the vote and running ads encouraging minority voters to stay away from the polls altogether.

Neither side has offered convincing evidence of its fraud charges. The Angle campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

NAC bills itself as "a group of ordinary American citizens who work to expose and stop the corrupt political elites that are giving away or selling our sovereignty for their own gains." They endorsed Angle and Republicans down the ballot.

The Coalition claims that the government wants to merge the United States with "the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of Mexico and Canada" and designate a section of Kansas City as sovereign Mexican territory, according to its website. It also asserts that Muslim leaders designated a yellow badge for Jews to wear, which was later copied by Hitler in Nazi Germany.

Angle's We the People Nevada was dissolved in May 2009 but advocated for the following principles, as listed in its purpose statement:

* Welfare should be changed to Workfare for able persons capable (of) doing any type of work. Our government agencies have taken on too much responsibility for taking care of the poor. That work should be transferred to private charities. Doing so will reduce fraud and the costs of administration.

* The radical homosexual movement and other groups seek to destroy the traditional family structure which is the underpinning of society. Their agenda should be opposed. Laws should be passed that reinforce the traditional family and discourage divorce.

* Current concepts of political correctness limit freedom of speech and should be eliminated. Pornography is not freedom of speech.

* Government should encourage and remove the obstacles to religious and other groups that increase the general moral atmosphere of the nation. Without a general moral consciousness, freedom cannot exist. This does not include religious groups that seek to attack and destroy freedom.

* Our country should be a truly color blind society. To accomplish that, racial preferences must end. The government should not collect data by racial groups. The concept that people are created by God as equals no matter what their skin color or social or economic status is fundamental to our society. As a diverse nation we must resist all efforts by those who want to divide us and create envy between groups as a way to obtain political power.

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