Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Sharron Angle spokeswoman condemns her candidate’s ad on immigration

The chairwoman of the Nevada Republican Hispanic Caucus, who moonlights as a spokeswoman for Sharron Angle, this week denounced the Republican U.S. Senate candidate's ad on immigration.

Tibi Ellis on Monday told 1060 AM Spanish radio host Edwin Saldarriaga that she doesn't agree with Angle's depiction of illegal immigrants in a campaign ad released earlier this month.

"I condemned this type of propaganda, no matter who is running them, where they blame Mexicans as the only problem and where they attack them as the only source of illegal immigration," Ellis told Saldarriaga. "I don't agree with that."

Ellis stressed to Saldarriaga that she was not representing Angle during the interview. Ellis, however, has served as a spokeswoman for Angle, according to an interview she gave to Texas GOP Vote, in which she recounted a campaign trip she took with Angle to Denton, Texas.

Ellis previously was seeking Nevada's Assembly District 5 seat but lost in the June primary.

The commercial Ellis criticized shows men with flashlights lurking next to a chain-link fence as ominous background music plays and a voice warns about "illegals sneaking across our border putting Americans' safety and jobs at risk." Angle calls Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "the best friend an illegal alien ever had" in the ad.

"Sharron Angle's extreme hostility toward Hispanic Nevadans is so blatant and so striking that not even her own campaign surrogates can avoid denouncing her shameless efforts to play on voters’ worst fears with her thoroughly-debunked lies about immigration," Reid spokesman Kelly Steele said.

Ellis and Angle spokesman Jarrod Agen did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

CORRECTION: The article originally said Ellis is running for Nevada's Assembly District 5 seat. | (August 1, 2013)

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