Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Republicans pick up no ground Thursday in early numbers, maintain slight lead over Democrats in turnout percentage

Republicans failed to pick up much ground on the sixth day of early voting, with the early voting percentages staying about the same. If mail ballots in Clark are added, the Republicans have just under a 2 percent lead. Democrats have about a 10,000-vote lead in Southern Nevada. It appears that about a quarter of the vote (perhaps more) already is in for the South. In Washoe County, where early voting is not as popular, the Democrats also are slightly behind.

Total Clark early voting percentages relative to registration:

Democrats: 12.4 percent

Republicans: 13.8 percent

Total Clark with mail ballots added (Democrats extended their lead here to more than 1,600)

Democrats: 15.0 percent

Republicans: 16.9 percent

Another overnight gain of .2 percent. Where is the surge?

In Washoe, both parties turned about about 200 fewer voters on Thursday, so relatively little change there.

Total urban (no absentee tally in Washoe):

Democrats: 60,808 (14.4 percent)

Republicans: 53,097 (16.0 percent)

For numbers geeks:


Thursday: Dems, 6,881 Rs, 5,301 rest, 2,310

Early: Dems, 41,561; Rs, 33,748; rest, 14,016

Mail: Dems, 9,008; Rs, 7,388; rest, 2,382

Combined: Dems, 50,569 , Rs, 41,136 rest, 16,261


Ds: 10,239 (11.9 percent)

Rs: 11,961 (13.7 percent)

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