Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Mr. Kihuen goes to Washington

State Sen. Ruben Kihuen, who bought a website domain in 2009 for a congressional run but has been coy about his possible candidacy next year, is in DC with many other Nevadans this week, including state Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford. They are there ostensibly for White House and delegation meets and greets, but both Horsford and Kihuen are sniffing around about Congress, too.

I am sure the invite at right is irrelevant to the above paragraph.

UPDATE: I chatted with Kihuen late this afternoon right after he landed in DC. I would now almost be shocked if he DIDN'T run. "I'm seriously considering it, Kihuen told me and added he will be making his decision "very soon." He surely knows that he has to start raising money.

He mentioned his Draft Ruben Kihuen Facebook page as evidence of his support (it has only 292 likes, though).

Kihuen told me he is meeting with Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee boss Steve Israel and Rep. Javier Becerra and has an appointment with kingmaking Sen. Harry Reid this weekend. When I suggested that some thought he was just floating his name for the attention and a future run, he scoffed. "I'm not doing this for media attention," he told me.

Kihuen emphasized his three legislative sessions as experience for moving up. But when I suggested all of the other potential candidates -- Horsford, Dina Titus and John Oceguera -- all had more legislative experience than he did, he seemed to bristle. "Steven has four legislative sessions and I have three," he said immediately. And he pointed out this fact, too: "None of them are members. These are open seats."


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