Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

McCain rebuts Reid on Romney, says “nothing in his tax returns shows he did not pay taxes”

Arizona Sen. John McCain said today that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is wrong about his assertion that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years, saying his team that vetted the presumptive GOP nominee in 2008 found no such thing. And South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said Reid "is making this up" and said Reid abused the Senate floor to "interject himself into the presidential campaign" and said it is "beneath his job of majority leader."

"Nothing in his tax returns showed that he did not pay taxes," McCain said during an interview taped for "Face to Face" that will air Tuesday evening. The two senators and New Hampshire's Kelly Ayotte all criticized Reid for his claim that someone told him Romney had not paid taxes for 10 years.

The video of the exchange is here.

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