Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Adelson to DCCC: Retract your “Chinese prostitution money” comments or I’ll sue

In a scathing letter to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Sheldon Adelson's lawyer accused the organization of "maliciously branding Mr. Adelson as a pimp" and demanded the DCCC either retract and apologize or be sued.

The three-page missive to DCCC press secretary Jesse Ferguson refers to a claim already rated "Pants on Fire" by PoitiFact because it is a claim made in a lawsuit against the Las Vegas Sands chairman, who is dominating the headlines this cycle with his SuperPAC donations. The letter demands the claim be scrubbed from the DCCC site as well as an apology -- "a prominent statement, in a form approved by Mr. Adelson, retracting and apologizing for your false claims."

I have posted it at right.

Waiting for response from DCCC.

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