Las Vegas Sun

June 1, 2024

You may be the next nominee

This is an open letter to Haley Barbour, chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Dear Mr. Barbour:

You said you need a reply within seven days, so I hope this makes it. I'm talking about your exciting letter with a picture of the White House on top advising that my name has been placed in nomination to be a member of the Presidential Trust.

Thank you for your congratulations. It feels like getting a letter from the Publishers' Clearing House saying I may have already won a million dollars. Except that more may be at stake here than a million dollars.

I have carefully read the five closely-typed pages telling me what this is about. The Presidential Trust is a part of the Republican National Finance Committee, and you say it needs a commitment of $12 million "to defeat Bill Clinton and elect a Republican President and Congress in 1996." And I am asked to give or raise $5,000, which seems not much considering the need. And you mince no words about the need. Without my $5,000, "defeating Bill Clinton will be much more difficult - if not impossible."

Now, this may seem like a heavy load to lay on me, but you make clear that you have thought it out carefully before placing my name in nomination.

I quote from your letter, "From what I've been told you are one of our party's most faithful supporters - not just in your home state, but across the nation. (The District of Columbia is not a state, but in this dire situation an oversight is understandable.) You have repeatedly made selfless sacrifices on behalf of our party and our candidates.... You are one of the special few individuals who are the backbone of our Republican Party."

And, although the letter is couched mainly in terms of sacrifice, you do offer some compensation for my $5,000 - special briefings at the San Diego convention next August, access to the Republican hospitality suites, invitations to special functions in my home state (There's that state again!), and, "on that glorious night on November 5," an invitation to the victory party here in Washington.

Well, Mr. Barbour, I hardly know what to say. The offer is tempting and the responsibility seems great. But, to be quite open with you, I must confess that I haven't made all those sacrifices for the Republican Party, and I wonder who told you that I had.

I know that President Nixon once considered me for a White House position, and was already having the FBI investigate me. But other than that, I am not aware of having any record with the Republican Party that would qualify me for membership in your Presidential Trust.

I called the Presidential Trust to ask how I had gotten on the select list of people who would be allowed to fork up $5,000 to save the country. I was told that everybody of the Presidential Trust was in a meeting, undoubtedly engaged in the agonizing task of placing others in nomination.

At this point, I can't guess who your presidential nominee will be. You notice that I say "your," for, if the truth must be told, I don't feel worthy of the great honor you would bestow on me. So I suggest you turn to someone else in your hour of need. And, if I may make a suggestion, you may want to check on whoever is compiling your mailing list. (Daniel Schorr is senior news analyst for National Public Radio.)
