September 16, 2024

Judge Won't Drop Charge in IRS Bombing Case

U.S. District Judge Howard McKibben ruled on Wednesday that George Brian Crockett did not need to know he might be a target of investigation before he testified before a federal grand jury.

But McKibben postponed ruling on a second request by Crockett's lawyer, John Aebi, to dismiss some of the allegations against his client.

Crockett and a friend, Douglas County garden center owner Jerry Keenan, were charged with lying to a federal grand jury and to federal investigators during a probe into Joseph Bailie's attempt to blow up the Internal Revenue Service office on Dec. 17.

They were not implicated in the actual bombing attempt.

A jury acquitted Keenan of one count but found him guilty of lying to an FBI agent. His sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 14.

Crockett's trial has been postponed until Sept. 30.

Bailie was convicted by a jury and faces sentencing on Sept. 6. A co-defendant, Ellis Hurst, pleaded guilty and also awaits sentencing.
