September 16, 2024

Letter: Hotels cause demand for water, price hikes

I see the water district is out trying to conserve water again for the coming months.

There must be another hotel-casino opening up again. So there is another demand for more water, as another 3,000 souls are in the hotel. With more casinos to come, the demand for water increases more and more. All this for PAC money for the politicians, and selling the people of Las Vegas down the river for a little more. We had one (politician) retire with a million dollars in PAC money, so this is a ripe field to get into. Is it any wonder that they spend big bucks getting elected?

Now we have to pay for a pipe to haul more water for more casinos and more water to take care of them, all at our expense. Now we know where all the money goes. Building roads, taking care of more flash floods because of the concrete causing a greater runoff and, last but not least, the waste of the school spenders, all supposedly for the kids with a side order of increased staffers so the various heads of state can sit on their overstuffed chairs and, after resting a bit, go and take their exercise in their special exercise area, built by them, paid for by us and used by them only. Ain't it wonderful?

John Stacey
